Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Upgraditis #2

Borrowed Rims

Well, I had managed to get the utility bike put together on budget... and then, wouldn't you Adam and Eve it, the trouble and strife wants her wheels back. Clearly, a fine excuse for fettling together a replacement set, if ever I done hear one.

Sharks With Frickin' Lasers

I fancy lasers...

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Tubeless Tip: Rim Profiles & Seating Problems

Getting Tubeless Tyres Seated

Morning all. A short post today, to share a tip on making some MTB rims a bit easier to work with when setting up a tubeless tyre.

But I thought they were all easy...

...well, that would be nice, wouldn't it? Fact is, when you're getting your tubeless tyre set up for the first time, some rims will be very easy to get that initial seal, and some will be difficult bordering on impossible to get the initial seal. All rims are not equal...